The ADIPS Online questionnaire is now closed and the results are analysed.  We would like to thank everyone who completed the feedback questionnaire.

The aim of the consultation was to seek views of users on both the current service and to influence future design and functionality of the site.

Overall, the consultation response was a positive one and we received some valuable feedback.

From the suggestions and recommendations gathered from the feedback, we have:

  • Extended the time-out period to one hour for each log-in.

From the suggestions and recommendations gathered from the feedback, we propose to:

  • Allow users to enter the ‘&’ symbol within text fields.
  • Review the ‘New Device Request’ process.
  • Improve functionality and communication channels with Registered Users when a DOC has been ‘withdrawn’ or an ‘Urgent Defect Report’ or similar has been recorded.
  • Consider a change to allow multiple searches for DOCs using the ‘Public Search’ facility.

Some of the results from the survey:

The website is user friendly:

Strongly Agree:                     4.8%

Agree:                                    71.4%

Neutral:                                  19%

Disagree:                               0%

Strongly Disagree:                4.8%

It is easy to find all the information I’m looking for on the website:

Strongly Agree:                      9.5%

Agree:                                     71.4%

Neutral:                                   9.5%

Disagree:                                9.5%

Strongly Disagree:                 0%

The website has improved the DOC process:

Strongly Agree:                       38.1%

Agree:                                      33.3%

Neutral:                                    23.8%

Disagree:                                 0%

Strongly Disagree:                  4.8%

Overall satisfaction:

Very Satisfied:                         14.3%

Satisfied:                                  61.9%

Neutral:                                    19.0%

Dissatisfied:                             4.8%

Very Dissatisfied:                     0%
