ADIPS 2011 Inspection Body Conference was held at Drayton Manor Hotel on 13th December 2011.  There were 39 attendees at the event representing 23 Registered Inspection Bodies.  The programme was as follows:

Lal Ilan, Accreditation Manager (UKAS)

The sole national accreditation body recognised by government to assess organisations procviding inspection services.  This session will outline the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 – General Criteria for th eoperation of various types of inspection bodies performing inspection and the process of accreditation. (View Presentation)

David Rudland, HM Principle Specialist Inspector (Mechanical Engineering), HSE:

This session will cover the s[pecialist examination and conclusions of the investigation which followed the Jackson Matterhorn accident on 2nd November 2007 at Long Melford in Suffolk. (View Presentation)

Melvin Sandell, HM Inspector of Health and Safety, Entertainments and Leisure Sector, HSE

The HSE will be updating delegates on various operational and policy issues to take effect in 2012. (View Presentation)

David Howse, Consultant Welding Engineer, The Welding Institute (TWI)

Delivered by the engineering institution for welding and joining professionals, this session includes an introduction to welding processes, design or common defects that can effect quality, and an overview of quality standards that should be used to control quality in welds. (View Presentation)

Roger Powell, Consultant Engineer, Power Transmission & Mechanical Handling Components

A leading specialist in the manuufacture, supply and operation of chains for the industry.  This session will cover coommon inspection requirements of chains and their components. (View Presentation)
